

👂 We want to hear your ideas! 👂 How can we ensure tourism delivers maximum benefit to the local community and contributes towards nature's recovery in this part of the Yorkshire Dales?


A Nature-based Three Peaks Challenge

Promote individual peaks not "Three Peaks"

Improve local business network websites

Car park money going directly to local community

Building links with holiday lettings companies

Top 10 Essential Yorkshire Dales Skills

Wild Inglebourgh Ambassador/Accreditation

The Yorkshire Dales Big 5

Access for all?

Discounts at local shops with a train/bus ticket

tourism v recreation

Promote existing Ingleborough walks booklet using bus/rail

Launch an Ecotourism Business Network

Weekend sightseeing buses

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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