Council's Peninsula Vision 2018 - VOTE ONE (Yes/No)

Council's Peninsula Vision 2018 - VOTE ONE (Yes/No)

Do you think the council's vision fits with your vision for the peninsula? This is their vision: "the peninsula plans would create an all-year-round offering for tourists”, Jeff Cant, Dorset Echo...NOTE...NO MENTION OF LOCAL PEOPLE! You can comment and vote here to let the council know what you think. Do you want chain hotels and restaurants built next to the pavilion? You can read the design and access statement here: Send the council a message BY VOTING thumbs UP or DOWN!


For one why the hell have all that space for a car park, stupid idea, surely more all weather activity venues would be better, it's a seaside town and needs things for people who live here and for visitors, why not build another multistorey carpark above a parade of shops where the old council offices are on the harbour, give people that live in Weymouth parking concessions by posting one to every house in Weymouth, that way people who live in Weymouth won't have to go out of town to shop 😱😱


We just need something that truly reflects our needs as a resort and a year round 'home', not just something bland and uninspiring. Listen to the community!

The standard of visualisation on page 10 is very, very poor. A detailed computer model should be made and from that a reasonable number of renderings and photomontages should be taken, or failing that a traditional architects model in wood and perspex should be made. The standard of illustration isn’t good enough for such an important and historic town such as Weymouth. It seems sad use so much of the site for car parking which will draw more cars into the town.

Our only chance to get something positive for Weymouth. If Mr Cant can't listen perhaps the ballot box will remind him

These plans wont bring enough attention to weymouth. Im happy to see no cafe's because theres plenty of those on the sea front. Theres nothing unique about these plans, lesure centres are found everywhere. Plus, they wont absorb the veiws of which its sat on. These ideas and thoughts must be advertised more throughout Dorset as not enough of the local ideas are added.

Weymouth has more heritage that deserves more recognition than this

Overground car park is a waste of a great space. There's nothing original about the ideas, nothing adventurous or exciting to draw people to Weymouth for the first time. There's no real talking point to create a scene for visitors, there's no attempt at bringing a great, sustainable building. No talk of adaptability or a draw for people to use the space to take advantage of the great views.

I agree with a lot of the previous ideas and suggestions and hope to see the pavilion peninsula turned into a thriving successful area for locals and tourists and making the best use of the stunning views. With all the brilliant ideas being suggested here we can make the council sit up and listen and hopefully develop this stunning site into an area we are all proud of. Can you sort the ridiculous sea front lighting fiasco too!?

Pull down the pavilion and build a great facility with new auditorium to attract bigger names, something similar to Ocean Room with decent acoustics (rather than best quality at the bar). Add another couple of function rooms for private parties and useful as rehearsal rooms for local bands at minimal fee! Provide a 100 space disabled car park at £2 per day cost along with a multi story car park. Provide medium and small business premises for startup companies! Reduce rent/rates in town centre

TBusiness for hoteliers and BnB's has been going down in the past few years so I don't understand why the council thinks we need a Premier Inn? This development will not attract more to Weymouth, and a new hotel will take money out of the pocket of local hoteliers. The car parking seems excessive; the whole area would be wonderful pedestrianised with just a bit of parking for blue badge holders.

If Premier Inn are interested in this, then they the council are selling us cheap. Nothing wrong with P Inn, but its business model is low cost new build on cheap land to offer basic accom at low prices. Ours is maybe the best development site available on the south coast. They should be aiming for a very high end development. Better leave it as a car park desert then go for this.

We DON'T need a budget hotel or housing. We DO need year-round facilities which local people as well as tourists will want to make use of.

NO! The last couple of proposals have not been in support of the local businesses and community and have failed dramatically. This time I hope the Council will listen and support the local proposals and work together towards a much better future for the town as a whole.

This proposal is uninspired, lacks vision and ignores critical feedback of the first consultation. The peninsula needs something iconic. Something to actually bring people to the area for years to come. A budget hotel doesn't cut it and although sports facilities seem like a good idea, it feels like a complete waste of prime use land. It also brings on board the Fisher Review for the Harbour, and this will have a significant impact on the fishing heritage in a prime conservation area.

Have a look at Bristol's Millenium square, or revamped dock areas around the country - this space could be a destination for locals and tourists, with entertainment space, underground parking, art and so much more

What’s proposed for the peninsula is more of the same - more chain hotels more chain restaurants - they will cause local small businesses to close so profits made locally and spent locally will become profits sent to a head office elsewhere - the chain businesses will provide more low skilled low paid jobs - the indoor leisure centre could just as easily be on the Granby like the fun factory is or the trampoline centre in Ferndown. We need an iconic tourist destination! Minack? Eden Centre?

We do not need a large impersonal hotel. Keep the small friendly B&Bs in business by voting against.

The council are entertaining Property development ?Timing and track record and plans are not very inspiring. If your doing it for money then just build houses. If for Weymouth then get a proposal in that will excite people. Once in a lifetime opportunity and all you come up with is a few restaurants a couple of shops and a pub ? You have carte blanche to provide something to be the envy of the south coast and that is it ? Disappointing, shortsighted .. same same, shame shame.

Generic and sterile. This is a lack of vision if you ask me

After all thats been said about it, it should be called Lack of Vision ☹

A car park? Really? What about sustainable transport links instead? Cycle paths and pedestrian routes please. No imagination, style, design or future proofing whatsoever.

We should support local business not take them away from people living here

Comments from our levy paying businesses - W&PBC want to massively decrease the number of available parking spaces around the Zone F area - the area of Weymouth with the highest concentration of guest houses, B&Bs and hotels as well as a 1000 seat theatre, and therefore, perhaps the area with the highest demand for parking in the town - without any consideration whatsoever for the residents who live within this area.

No ambition, uninspired, more of the same... we need a space for locals all year round that tourists will also love and find exciting. The Peninsula is the most amazing piece of land, let's do it justice by building something amazing on it.

Surely Weymouth should aspire to more than a mid range hotel in this prime location! Unless this development had world class architecture, it will soon become dated and become (another) eyesore. Any plan is a compromise if the Pavilion remains in its current form. Replace it with a modern, theatre/auditorium with conference facilities.

More parking, more restaurants more hotels?!? Is the council insane?! Enough restaurants are struggling as it is, there's already 2 premier inns! We need something to bring people to Weymouth!! A little shopping complex, an adventure park, anything to bring people here for the day! Clearly the council need to resign or a shake up is desperately needed if they somehow ignore the outcry that no-one wants what they are proposing!

The Council's proposal strikes me as a bit of a 'will this do' idea. Chain hotels and a car park - it's a development more suited to a motorway service area than a prominent location in a historic coastal town. There's no ambition here, no creativity, no attempt to make a positive, transformative change. The proposal ignores both the setting and Weymouth's heritage. The town needs something better than this.

At least Council top brass and planners will not need any parking spaces when they land here from another planet in their publicly-funded UFO's.

Comments from our levy paying businesses - I think that the aim to 'create a new, year-round destination, including upgraded tourism and leisure facilities, new public spaces and family-orientated commercial uses for both residents and tourists, as well as undertaking harbour improvements and repairs.' is an admirable one, however I fail to see how the proposed plans will achieve this. I think the space given to leisure facilities in insufficient to draw new people in.

There seems to be a complete lack of detail on what the proposals for this leisure space are, and what the additional demand they hope to create will be. I'd like to understand if there is a net gain or loss of parking spaces. Weymouth suffers terribly from parking as it is, and if there is additional demand created is only going to exacerbate that problem. I also think that it is a shame that they are using the new space for restaurants when there are so many empty units in the town centre.

Comments from our levy paying businesses - I don't want to comment too much on the hotel plans, as a hotelier myself (as there is a clear conflict of interests here), but I would suggest that it risks devaluing the number of leases that the council currently own, if again it displaces trade from current stock to new. As I said above I don't think there is sufficient in the peninsula development to drive demand to compensate for this additional stock.

We cannot believe the notion that Council want to destroy the Grade 2* listed appearance with a bus station that drops visitors off 200 yards away from where they actually want to go, when they have 4.5 hectares of designated development space to play with, actually INSIDE the plan instead of inside the conservation area nearby!

If we don’t get a link road around weymouth to Portland then It should be made into a viable channel cross plus viable harbour use not hotel / parking for part of the year !

If there are too many hotel bed spaces already then why try to build some more? and .......We thought there were supposed to be major entertainment attractions in the plan, not just the same boring old mid-range hotels and restaurants and cafes? and......Already desperately short of parking spaces locally so why remove another 302 spaces? How are visitors meant to enjoy the Peninsula if they can't get there?

We in Aaran Guesthouse particularly focused on specific aspects, of (ludicrously inadequate) parking provision and apparent revisiting of Hitler's gas chambers - by virtue of plonking a bus stop or even bus station less than 2 m from residents bedroom windows with unsafe narrow pavements, hazardous entrance and exit junctions round tight bends with poor driver and pedestrian vision, etc, etc

Such a waste!! Another thoughtless build which leaves little to actual help/improve the lives of those that live local!

Indoor waterpark, climbing wall. All weather area. Revolving café seats like in the sushi bars except the seats go round so everyone can enjoy the view.!! Something for teen-agers; for local schools to do class day trips; creative spaces that can change depending on the time of year from cafés, galleries to pop up business adventures maybe linked to the college. Interesting employment for our young people. No car parking. Come on! Sustainable transport links. This is for the future.


We need all weather/season torist facilities, water park (like splashdown) , indoor sky diving, rock reef, trampoline Park, fun factory, museums, nurf/lazer/paintball, go ape. Not national restaurants/hotels that will take money out of Weymouth and hurt local established businesses.

Is the premier Inn paying a little extra to the councilors Christmas Party?!

I don't think another prime location should be taken up by a car park

Most of these buildings will stay dormant or will have businesses in them for 5 minutes then will leave not what Weymouth needs

Outrageous idea. I don’t think that a seaside town needs chain hotels that will take away from the local lodges and accomidation what we already have. Weymouth is renowned for restaurants and bars and I just don’t feel there is an inspiring vision put in front of us- If this is the highest design standard that they can produce, please don’t start as you mean to go on.

Loss of parking spaces used by the pavilivion residents and tourists with large hotel chain and restraunts pulling business from the established business . Why couldn’t the attractions fill some of the vacant buildings in town keeping the town centre and harbour busy

The statement that the railway station is of very little value is something to object to, it's part of Weymouth Quay's heritage, why not restore it and paint it. It would make a great gallery, and retaining the platform and track would allow for heritage railway stock to be placed and used as, for example a restaurant.

So a Premier Inn is the extent of this towns ambition.. surely not... come on we are better than this.. there is a huge pool of talented people in this town with vision as well as ambition, pretty sure they can come with something better than this without breaking a sweat.. which emphasis the fact that the current decision makers are not fit for purpose.

Another budget hotel will not help any local business, and will starve the smaller individually owned bed and breakfasts in the area. The developments proximity to a number of listed buildings and landmarks will be a blight on the towns historic aesthetic. To further this, the reduction in parking spaces helps no one, as it is already at a premium. Park and ride schemes will lead to people going elsewhere for their trips.

The council needs to keep and develop the heritage for the area, not build another car park and hotel. Instead build them on the edge of Weymouth and ship people in to the quayside by train! Increase tourism, with something unique.

Is this the best you can come up with? REALLY. Where is your long term vision? Where is your creative thinking? Where is your thought for other established accommodation businesses already in the area ? We don't need to take trade away from what we already have, we need to put extra trade in their pathway. Put something in there that we don't already have, something that locals and visitors can use all year round in all weathers. Come on council, get a little more creative and leave a legacy!

Franz Kafka would be proud of this "vision". It bears all the hallmarks of nightmareish complexity, bizarreness and illogicality. Why send lorries on a criss-cross journey 3 times across the Peninsula to a destination nowhere their actual destination? Why dump a bus stop OUTSIDE the development area, blocking English Heritage views, risking adding to Weymouth's 4.2% death toll from diesel fumes and leaving no safe pavements for passengers to actually get to the Peninsula?

What a waste of a potentially excellent spot! Surely we should be discouraging vehicle use - instead, improving public transport (which is shocking compared to pretty much all other towns and cities i've visited. In both affordability and service) & encoraging use of the park and ride (for tourists in particular). This would vastly improve congestion on the roads & eliminate the need for more parking, not to mention numerous environmental points. We can do better.

A waste of potential with no real thought put into it. No change after the public open evening shows that they only care about what they want after lying about people liked it. An examples of a redeveloped harbour area that have killed the area is Exmouth seafront & harbour. I do not want the landmark attraction of Weymouth to be a secondary Premier Inn.


This will do absolutely nothing for Weymouth except add yet another white elephant to what should be a beautiful and unique coast. The train link was one of a kind and should be celebrated as part of Weymouth's history and heritage. Take a look at Bristol waterfront and the amazing tourist draw of the carriages running to SS Great Britain. Weymouth has such a lot going for it but the present council seems to want to submerge it under mediocrity for (very) short term monetary gain.

short sighted and ignorant of local community and business needs

The railway should be safeguarded a future sustainable means of transport e.g. trams. Too much emphasis on cars. Can't see provision for cyclists e.g. cycle lanes, secure bike storage. Left wondering what sort of visitor Weymouth is trying to cater for - Jeremy Clarkson? The designer is no cyclist, or railway enthusiast!

Short sightead and narrow minded

There is 1 overriding issue. UNIQUE, NEW ATTRACTIONS attract NEW visitors and business. Otherwise new hotels will be filled at the expense of existing hotels. Both the Design and Access (a) and Peninsula Proposal (b) skirt around this vital matter. (a).2.8.'5100sqm of participative indoor leisure' (meaning 'we don't know what to put there'). (b).'Mixed use with active ground floor' & 'Leisure unit 2 - sub divisible as required. (meaning 'we don't know what to put there). DEFINE SOMETHING NEW

What an unimaginative plan and what a waste of space, using it for open car parking. No No No. If you build this I'm never coming to Weymouth again.

The ferry terminal was a win win for Weymouth - it brought in both people and cash in harbour fees (£750k) and spending, but the council didn't maintain it. They lost it and effectively threw away the golden goose. If they had the vision they could still borrow the money, update the ferry terminal, and cover the cost with harbour fee income over a small number of years. Weymouth will always be the preferred port for companies like Condor because it's closest to the channel islands.

short sighted and ignorant of local community and business needs

One could possibly argue that something is better than nothing, but what a lack of ambition!

When the currently proposed plan fails dismally and takes many surrounding businesses with it, at least there will be plenty of derelict space for dog-walkers as an alternative to the half-empty beach (half the parking spaces, you see!)

This is a landmark site, visible from along the entire seafront. It's crying out for some outstanding architecture, a bold, eye-catching design that fuses the 21st century with our historic roots.

My comments on the matter have been well documented in the Dorset Echo and on BBC Radio Solent. What has surprised me is the negativity from the Council to ANY criticism of their plans. This is not democracy and all comments should be applauded and considered. The Council appear to not want any engagement, as it it is a threat to the plans that they are trying to push through unopposed. They are the applicant and the determining authority, so need to be very very careful.

The Peninsula should be an all year round centre for people of all ages. Look at how Dorchester use Brewery Square to good effect. Parking could be placed in a multi storey car park on the site of the old Council Offices with shop units below.People could cross the bridge and catch a train / tram to the Peninsular We need to celebrate our town and its heritage.and place all weather attractions here plus independent cafes / restaurants and perhaps an entertainment /regular market space instead

Premier Inn as a cetrepiece? The plan shows no vision or ambition. PLEASE look at other similar types of location in Exeter, Cardiff, Padstow, Poole, even Aberaeron, Margate, or anywhere else where those responsible have actually THOUGHT ABOUT IT. Premier Inn as a centrepiece, is that really all we can do?

At least the council admitst something needs to be done. I agree with others, that there is no ambition in the plans. Why can't we have an all weather attraction that could be used by locals as well as tourists? Weymouth doesn't need 3 premier inns. It needs something other than the beach to attract people eg national museum/gallery Jurassic Park. So many other resorts seem to get gov funding & advice, why is Weymouth so far behind. 😐

For years #Weyforward have been telling the council that there is a complete lack of creative ambition and oversight with regards the master plan and very specifically the peninsula. The council's outline planning application demonstrates that we really weren't joking. I suppose something good has come out of the council's lack of ability to listen to its stakeholders because now local community groups and businesses have self-organised and come up with their own vision for the master plan.

Approximately 500,000 people visit Weymouth annually staying more than 1 night at a time. Roughly 60,000 people live in Weymouth. Surely we should be catering to those who keep us afloat as a town. 3x restaurants + pub with good easy access would be great. One of the reasons I rarely visit Weymouth for food is the lack of easy parking. If you take Brewery Sq. in Dorch there are good restaurants with easy, close parking.

In relation to infrastructure in town especially road networks in the area it is unlikely that many things suggested in plan 2 (as great as it looks and sounds) would be able to be effectively accessed, and this also looks to be a cheaper plan as whilst development is good one big question to beasked is will therebe funds to faze out parking or improve technological features? It seems possible that this land may not be the ideal location for the ideas presented in plan 2 but somewhere else might

We need to celebrate our town and its heritage by placeing all weather attractions with independent cafes, restaurants and entertainment. Hotels would be detrimental to the existing guest house trade resulting in their closure, these are part of the heritage of every seaside resourt. To reinstate some form of heritage rail/tramway link would also attract visitors, Swanage is an example and having watched this evenings programme on the Flying Scotsman reinforces the thoughts behind the idea.

A large amount of space will be used up by car parks. Also there is no mention of sustainable (environmentally or economically development either.

Anyone checked out the Transport Assessment "swept volume" plan for the 16.5m articulated fish lorries? They will have to cross the peninsula from north to south and negotiate a hairpin bend back to the north side again, following the pedestrian walkway then sharp right at the far end, southwards, blocking all the sea views. Have these useless clueless pills (consultants and councillors) ever seen a lorry?

With fewer parking spaces, we would have been empty this weekend. Bus stop OUTSIDEplanning area is multiple accidents waiting to happen, followed by residents contracting lung and bladder cancer due to diesel fumes pumping in their bedroom windows, potentially from 4:51 am till 00:40am next day and nowhere for passengers to queue on 1m wide shortened pavement to nowhere!

Cushman and Wakefield are huge but I could only find one "leisure and restaurant" business listed on their UK website. (Camperdon in Dundee) Not suggesting they don't know what they're doing but perhaps there were more appropriately experienced consultants to hire for this project at an alleged £600,000 ?

I want to see community and socially lead ideas used on our peninsula. It will kill our youth if they see more living space built for yuppies and entertainment for those who can afford. Growing up in Poole the thing I hated most was the entertainment for us kids was Tower Park and it always cost too much money. There’s no excuse in martketing for the rich and ignoring the wonderful ideas of the communities surrounding.

Couple points here. 1: Transport. The esplanade is already gridlocked during summer. Amplify that with such a large development and no traffic will be able to get through. 2: Blight on the landscape. Ignoring the concrete jungle it currently is, the pavilion area could be a beautiful landmark. Replacing a carpark and many small ugly buildings with a smaller carpark and lots more bigger buildings will just look bad, and I highly doubt will be in keeping with the towns feel.

The vision lacks ambition and judgement. With option 1, having a gym seemingly over two floors in a prime position shows a lack of judgement. With option 2, having a surface car park is a scandalous waste of space. Frankly, the plans resemble post-war eastern European architecture in vision. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen something much more dynamic and enterprising.

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