Local Community Transport

Local Community Transport

Having a community transport bus that can help local people access services, groups in and around the Gorbals. There are many activities that older people cant get to due as many of the services and activities are dotted throughout the Gorbals that local transport doesn't cover. Maybe the bus could be hired for events or fundraise for a local bus -


Many older people and people with walking difficulties cant get to groups and enjoy daily life due to not being able to get anywhere without a bus, some people dont live near a bus route and cant afford a taxi, I think we should have a community bus that we can all use or could we fundraise for our own Gorbals Bus.

it would be good to have a bus through the gorbals -Mary Knox

this would be good for getting to other groups and activites, especially for older people - Ann Vezza

I like this idea - Margaret Doris

I am in support of this idea happening - Jean McInally

I would like to see this is happening - Lynda Withers

I would like to see this come to fruition - A Douglas

This is a great idea for the community - J Haddow

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